



马 允




2004.09-2008.07六合彩app下载-六合彩官网资料-六合彩网站 法学学士  


2011.09-2015.06 伊拉斯姆斯鹿特丹大学六合彩app下载 宪法学与行政法学部门 & 伊拉斯姆斯中国法中心法学博士(Ph.D in law)






2017.08-12 牛津大学六合彩app下载 访问学者

2017.05 萨格勒布大学六合彩app下载 访问讲师

2014.01-2014.02 犹他大学S.J.Quinney 六合彩app下载 访问学者

2013.08-2014.01 印第安纳大学(伯明顿分校)Maurer六合彩app下载 访问学者




担任Chinese Journal of Environmental Law, Climate Law, Review of European Comparative and International Environmental Law, Australia Journal of Asian Law, Local Government Studies等期刊匿名外审





Yun Ma, Conservation and Recreation in Protected Areas: A Comparative Legal Analysis of Environmental Conflict Resolution in the United States and China (Oxon, England; New York, USA: Routledge, 2016).





Yun Ma, ‘Dynamics in Central-Local Division of the Authority of EIA Approval in China’, 1 (2019) Journal of Environmental Law, pp.29-57 (SSCI)

Yun Ma (first author), ‘The Thesis of Fidelity and the Philosophic Approach: A Review of Constitutional Interpretation: The Basic Questions’, in N.S. Efthymiou et al. (eds.), De vele facetten van het staatsrecht (Nijmegen, Wolf Legal Publishers: 2020)

Yun Ma, ‘Vindicating Environmental Public Interests in China: A Balanced Approach to Institutional Interaction in Public-Interest Litigation System’, 21-4 (2019) Environmental Law Review, pp.269-291.

Yun Ma, ‘Vertical Management: A Panacea to Environmental Enforcement Gap in China?’, 1 (2017) Chinese Journal of Environmental Law, pp.41-72.

Yun Ma, ‘Contextualization of National Parks in the Nature Conservation Scheme in China: A Case Study of Pudacuo National Park in Yunnan Province’, 15-3 (2013) Environmental Practice, pp.293-312.

Yun Ma, ‘Working in Concert: Regulation and Incentives for Private Land Conservation in the United States’, in Adam McCann et al. (eds.), When Private Actors Contribute to Public Interests (The Hague: Eleven International Publishing, 2014), pp.155-176.

Yuwen Li & Yun Ma, ‘The Hurdle is High: The Administrative Litigation System in the People’s Republic of China’, in Yuwen Li (ed.), Administrative Litigation Systems in Greater China and Europe (Farnham, England; Burlington, USA: Ashgate Publishing, 2014), pp.15-40.

Yuwen Li & Yun Ma, ‘Battling in the Courts: Dynamics of the Administrative Litigation Systems across Jurisdictions’, in Yuwen Li (ed.), Administrative Litigation Systems in Greater China and Europe (Farnham, England; Burlington, USA: Ashgate Publishing, 2014), pp.1-12.

Yun Ma (translator), ‘The Past, Present and Future of the Administrative Litigation System in Taiwan’, in Yuwen Li (ed.), Administrative Litigation Systems in Greater China and Europe (Farnham, England; Burlington, USA: Ashgate Publishing, 2014), pp.91-116.






马允,《美国环境规制中的命令、激励与重构》,载《中国行政管理》2017年第4期,第137-143页(CSSCI) ,被《人大复印报刊资料》全文转载


马允,《自然保护领域的私人治理:激励与规制的双重视角》,载徐祥民(主编),《中国环境法学评论》第十卷 (北京:科学出版社,2014)




“Advancing ecological civilization is China's promise to the world”, CGTN Opinions, 13 March 2019.

“Cities in nature: From imagination to reality”, CGTN Opinions, 14 April 2019.



担任IUCN China“环境保护”专栏作者(节选作品):

l 2016.5.19《三文鱼与泰晤士河的悲欢离合》

l 2016.5.24《狩猎者竟成了保护野鸭的功臣?》

l 2016.6.1《当亚洲鲤鱼跃了“龙门”》

l 2016.7.27《金枪鱼罐头上的海豚》

l 2017.4.6《法庭中的国家公园:黄石里的战争》

l 2017.4.18《法庭中的国家公园:谁的优山美地?》

l 2017.6.22《法庭中的国家公园:黄石里的细菌大战》

l 2017.7.11《法庭中的国家公园:魔鬼塔与冈仁波齐》



“US-China Dialogue” Episode 4: US-China Responses to COVID-19 (March 2022, online)

“Towards a Process-Oriented Review on Decisions Under Scientific Uncertainty”, 8th EELF(September 2021, online)

“A regulatory turn in protected area management in China: necessities, options and challenges”, Challenge and Response of Governing the Commons in China: the 50th Anniversary of The Tragedy of the Commons (October 2018, Beijing)

“Dynamics in Central-Local Division of the Authority of EIA Approval in China”, Annual Conference of European China Law Society (August 2017, Leiden)

“Working in Concert: Regulation and Incentives for Private Land Conservation in the United States”, International Seminar on Private Regulation and New Fields of Regulation (June 2017, Beijing)

“Dynamics in Central-Local Allocation of Environmental Authority through Rule-making: Case study of Environmental Impact Assessment Approval in China”, Early-Career Environmental Law Scholar Workshop (April 2017, Hong Kong)

“From negative listing to positive listing: a changing regulatory landscape of cross-border E-commerce in China”, Sino-Swiss Academic Conference 2016(November 2016, Freiburg)

“Vertical Management: A Panacea to Environmental Enforcement Gap in China?”, International Conference on Compliance and Enforcement of Environmental Law: Recent Developments (September, Wuhan)

“An Ecosystem Approach to Spatial Planning: Ecological Service Zoning in China”, 2nd EELF (September 2014, Hasselt)

“Conflicts over Recreational Use on Public Lands: An American Perspective”, The Graduate Colloquium of Maurer School of Law at Indiana University Bloomington (February 2014, Bloomington)

“Incentivized While Restricted Private Initiatives in Co-Shaping the Nature Conservation Landscape”, The 7th Annual Postgraduate Workshop (Environmental Law and Governance: New Ideas and Old Problems) (March 2013, Dublin)





• 国家社会科学基金青年课题《国家公园体制中的保护地役权制度研究》(2021,主持人)

• 北京市社会科学基金重点项目《北京城市更新立法研究》(2021,主持人)

• 中国政法大学青年教师创新团队“优化营商环境的行政法治保障”(2020,主持人)

• 教育部青年课题《环评审批的行政法规制研究:以否决权为中心的考察》(2018,主持人)

• 自然资源部(原国家林业局)委托课题《森林资源产权制度改革研究》(2018,主持人)

中欧六合彩app下载 资助课题 “Sovereignty and Globalization: Chinese and European experiences” (主权与全球化:中国与欧洲的比较经验) (2016)中方负责人

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